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2015-04-01 16:38   审核人:






近年来主持完成许昌学院校级项目三项(2008082,2011B018, 2013062),主持河南省教育厅项目一项(2011A150026),主持河南省科技厅项目一项(122102210419)。近年来在相关领域发表第一作者SCI论文23.


1 YidongZhang,Zhi Zheng, Fengling Yang. “Highly Sensitive and SelectiveAlcohol Sensors based on Ag-Doped In2O3Coating”.Ind.Eng. Chem. Res.2010, 49, 3539-3543.

2 YidongZhang,Gangcheng Jiang, Ka Wai Wong, et al. “Green Synthesis of IndiumOxide Hollow Spheres with Specific Sensing Activities for Flammable OrganicVapors”.Sensor Lett.2010, 8, 355-361.

3 YiDong Zhang,Jia Sheng Yan, Lai Gui Yu, et al. “Effect of Nano-CuLubrication Additive on the Contact Fatigue Behavior of Steel”.Tribol.Lett.201037203-207.

4 YidongZhang,Wenjun Fa, Fengling Yang, et al.“Effect of annealing temperatureon the structure and optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gelmethod”.Ionics.2010, 16, 815-820.

5 YidongZhang,Huimin Jia, Pinjiang Li, et al. “Influence of glucose on thestructural and optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gelmethod”.Opt. Commun.2011, 284, 236-239.

6 YidongZhang,Liwei Wang, Liwei Mi, et al. “Silica-controlled structure andoptical properties of zinc oxide sol-gel thin films”.J. Mater. Res.2011,26, 882-888.

7 YidongZhang,Chuncai Pan,Yange Zhang,et al.“Self-template hydrothermalsynthesis ZnS microspheres”.Cryt. Res. Technol.2011,46, 718-722.

8 YidongZhang, Wanqiang Zhang, Yuanhao Gao, et al. “Tunable Morphology andEthanol-Sensing Performance by Sintering Temperature of WO3-basedCeramics”.Synth. React. Inorg. Chem.2011, 41, 639-643.

9 YidongZhang, Pinjiang Li, Chuncai Pan,et al.“DL-aspartic acid mediatedhydrothermal synthesis β-ZnS microspheres and their optical properties”.Z.Anorg. Allg. Chem.2011, 637, 1522-1526.

10 YidongZhang, Guofu Sun, Hongxiao Zhao, et al.“AnAu buffer layer for thegrowth of ZnO sol-gel film on Si substrate”.Phys. Scrip.84(2011) 045402

11 YidongZhang,“Focus on Self-repairing Performance and Mechanism of Cu-DDPAdditive in Base Lubricating Oil”.Ind. Lubr. Tribol.2012,64, 11-15.

12 YidongZhang, Weiwei He. “Study of I-V characteristics of ZnO film on Sisubstrate with .Ag buffer layer by C-AFM”.Microelecton.Int.2012,29, 35-39.

13 YidongZhang, Liwei Mi, Zhi Zheng. “Study on the structure and opticalproperties of Zn1-xCuxO sol-gel thin films on quartzsubstrate”.Phys. B2012, 407,2254-2257.

14 YidongZhang, Qingyu Li. “From ZnO microrods to ZnS microspheres by ahydrothermal treatment: the case of thiourea”.Chem. Lett.2012,41,493-494.

15 YidongZhang,Pinjiang Li, Baojun Huang, et al. “Using Zn as target tofabricate ZnO coatings by thermal oxidation in air on quartz substrate”.Opt.Commun.2012,285,4290-4293.

16 YidongZhang,Liwei Mi, Qingyu Li, et al. “Investigation on nano-frictionalperformance of glucose-assisted sol-gel film on quartz substrate”.Wear.2012,294-295, 313-318.

17 YidongZhang, Liwei Mi. “In situ Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Zinc SulfideFilms on a Flexible Zinc Foil Substrate”.Chem. Lett.2012,41,915-916.

18 YidongZhang, Weiwei He, Hongxiao Zhao, et al“Effect of APS-PAA buffer layeron the tribological behaviour of ZnS film on quartz substrate”.J.Adv. Microsc. Res.2012, 7, 282-285.

19 YidongZhang,Baojun Huang, Pinjiang Li, et al. “Tribological performance ofCuS—ZnO nanocomposite film: The effect of CuS doping”.Tribol. Int.2013,58,7-11.

20 YidongZhang, Shanshan Guo, Zhi Zheng. “Nanocrystalline Ho3+-dopedWO3: A promising material for acetone detection”.J. Exp.Nanosci.2013, 8, 184-193.

21 YidongZhang, Weiwei He, Hongxiao Zhao, et al “Template-free to fabricatehighly sensitive and selective acetone gas sensor based on WO3microspheres”.Vacuum2013,95, 30-34.

22 YidongZhang, Weiwei He, Huimin jia. “Hydrothermal fabrication ofchalcopyrite type CuInS2film and their optical properties”.Phys.Scrip.In press.

23Yidong Zhang,“Enhanced tribological performance of CuS thinfilm on Si substrate: the case of APS-PAA buffer layer”.Ind. Lubr.Tribol.In press.



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