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2015-03-29 22:38   审核人:


Ka Wai WONG黃家偉




Current Research Interests:surface science, advanced materials

Research Grant Records


Funding Agents 

Time Period 

Amount (HK$) 

As Principal Investigator:

Smart and biofriendly functional chitosan nanostructures for biolabeling, drug delivery and tissue engineering 

Innovation and Technology Support Fund 

Pending for final approval 


Single-crystalline chitosan nanostructures: Preparation, properties and applications in drug delivery, biomineralization and biomineral tectonics 

Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (formerly Competitive Earmarked Grant) 



Development of a novel DNA recognition technology by a specially designed molecular optoelectronic switch based on hybrid DNA-quantum dot structures 

Hong Kong RGC Competitive Earmarked Grant 



Use of photovoltaic effects exerted by II-VI nanostructured materials to accelerate DNA hybridization and to achieve rapid DNA sensing for the making of high performance molecular sensing platform for DNA 

Hong Kong RGC Competitive Earmarked Grant 



Nano-characterization of hybrid bio-nanostructures 

Hong Kong RGC Direct Grant 



Study of the electrical and electronic properties of surface functionalized carbon nanotubes 

Hong Kong RGC Direct Grant 



Development of field-assisted DNA chips for medical diagnostics 

Company research, HK DNA Chips Limited 



Micro-spotting technology on biochips for biological recognition 

Company research, HK DNA Chips Limited 



As Co-Investigator:

Ultra-high Resolution E-beam Lithography System 

Hong Kong RGC SEG 



Acquisition of fluorescence lifetime imaging system 

Hong Kong RGC SEG 



New generation chitosan nanostructures: Synthesis, growth mechanism, biomineralization 

National Natural Science Funds 



Hybrid networked films of sulphide compounds and conjugated polymers: Synthesis, modifications and photovoltaic properties 

National Natural Science Funds 



Development of microstructured phase change materials for thermal energy storage

SZ-HK Technology Project 



Development of ultra-low-power alcohol vapor sensors based on functionalized CNT sensing elements 

Innovation and Technology Support Fund 



De-doping of poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) in polymeric electroluminescence devices by indium diffusion and its prevention using self-assembly monolayers 

Hong Kong RGC Competitive Earmarked Grant 






Since the start of my research career from my M. Phil. study, I have filed three patents and also published more than 50 internationally refereed journal papers.The total citations on my publications by peers are over 720. 



1.C. H. Yu, L. T. Lau andK. W. Wong

Apparatus and methods for detecting nucleic acid in biological samples

lUS Patent7,390,622 

lChina Patent CN1867681 

lInternational WO2005038048 

lEuropean Patent, Application No.: 04789841.6-2401-CN2004001180 

2.R. Du, Z. Zheng,K. W. Wongand B. Huang

Apparatus and methods to prepare micro-/nano-structured hydrate salts phase change materials

lChinaPatent CN101033390 

3.R. Du,K. W. Wong, J. M. Gong and C. Y. Choi

Apparatus and methods to prepare carbon nanotubes composite coating

lChinaPatent, CN101358369 

lSwiss Patent, Application No: 01124/8 

Journal papers


Year 2009


54.Lixiang Wang,Ka-wai Wong,* Zuliang Du

Electrical and optoelectronic response of cuprous oxide single nanowire surface functionalized with fluorinated benzenethiol monolayer: effects of molecularly engineered contact and surface dipole

Submitted to Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 

53.Yee-man Ho,Ka-wai Wong,* Zhi Zheng, Ruijuan Qi, Quan Li, Hock-chun Ong

Three-dimensional nanostructured cadmium selenide multi-pods directly grown on substrate by microwave-assisted chemical synthesis and their application as photoswitches for label-free DNA sensing

Submitted to Applied Physics Letters. 

52.Huayan Yang, Wenguang Yao, LinYang,* Xiaoming Ma, Huajie Wang, Feng Ye,Ka-wai Wong

The self-assemblyofCaCO3crystalsinthepresenceofprotein

Journal ofCrystalGrowth, 311, 2682 (2009). 

51.Falong Jia,*Ka-wai Wong,*Lizhi Zhang

Electrochemical synthesis of nanostructured palladium of different morphology directly on gold substrate through a cyclic deposition/dissolution route

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 7200 (2009). 

50.Huijie Qi, Lixiang Wang,Ka-wai Wong,*Zuliang Du

DNA-Quantumdotsensingplatform withcombined Försterresonanceenergytransfer andphotovoltaiceffect

Applied Physics Letters, 94, 143902 (2009). 

49.Jingming Gong, Zhengji Zhou, Xianluo Hu, Man-keung Wong,Ka-wai Wong,*Zuliang Du

Self-assembledchitosannanotemplates forbiomineralization ofcontrolledcalcitenano-architectures

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,1, 26 (2009). 

48.Falong Jia,Ka-wai Wong,*and Ruxu Du

Directgrowth ofhighlycatalyticpalladiumnanoplatesarray ontogoldsubstrate by atemplate-freeelectrochemicalroute

Electrochemistry Communications, 11, 519 (2009). 

47.F. L. Jia, J. M. Gong,K. W. Wong*and R. X. Du

Simple co-electrodeposition of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes/chitosan composite coating on mainspring for enhanced modulus of elasticity

Nanotechnology, 20, 015701 (2009). 

46.Yange Zhang, Zhi Zheng,*Ka Wai Wong,*Fengling Yang and Zude Zhang

Simultaneousphase andmorphologycontrolledsynthesis of MnO2crystals throughcontrolledrelease ofcuprousions inhydrothermalcondition

Journal of Materials Research, 24, 58 (2009). 

Year 2008


45.Youfan Hu, Yang Liu, Huilong Xu, Xuelei Liang, Lian-Mao Peng,*Ngaisze Lam,Kawai Wongand Quan Li

Quantitativestudy on theeffect ofsurfacetreatments on theelectriccharacteristics of ZnOnanowires

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 14225 (2008). 

44.Kwun-Ngai Lau, Hak-Fun Chow,*Man-Chor Chan andKa-Wai Wong

Dendronizedpolymerorganogels fromclickchemistry –remarkablegelationproperty due tosynergisticfunctionalgroupbinding anddendriticsizeeffect

AngewandteChemie International Edition, 47, 6912 (2008). 

43.Jingming Gong, Xianluo Hu,Ka Wai Wong,*Zhi Zheng, Lin Yang, Woon-ming Lau, and Ruxu Du

Chitosannanostructures withcontrollablemorphology by anon-aqueouselectrochemicalapproach

Advanced Materials, 20, 2111 (2008). 

42.Zhi Zheng,*Airuo Liu, Shumin Wang, Baojun Huang,Ka Wai Wong, Xitian Zhang, Sui Kong Hark, and Woon Ming Lau

Growth of highly oriented (110) γ-CuI films with sharp exciton band

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18, 852 (2008). 

41.C. Y. Choi, Z. Zheng,K. W. Wong,*Z. L. Du, W. M. Lau, R. X. Du

Fabrication of cross-linked multi-walled carbon nanotube coatings with improved adhesion and intrinsic strength by a two-step synthesis: electrochemical deposition and hyperthermal proton bombardment

Applied Physics A, 91, 403 (2008). 

40.Dapeng Li, Zhi Zheng,*Zhengyang Shui, Mingqiang Long, Jie Yu, Lin Yang,Ka Wai Wong, Lizhi Zhang, and Woon Ming Lau

Using Elemental Se and Ag to grow pure Ag2Se dendrites/dendritic-films of highly oriented (001) nanocrystals

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 2845 (2008). 

39.M. X. Ouyang, Mandy, L. Y. Sin, Brittle K. H. Tsoi, Gary C. T. Chow, Gary M. K. Wong, Wen J. Li,*Philip H. W. Leong,K. W. Wong

Constant-power operation of functionalized carbon nanotube sensors for alcohol vapor detection

Proceedings of 3rdIEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Vol. 1-3, 712-717 (2008).

38.M. X. Ouyang,K. W. Wong, Wen J. Li*

Comparison ofdynamicresponse offunctionalized andbaremulti-walledcarbonnanotubesensors

Proceedings of 8thIEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, accepted.

37.Long-Ho Chau, Jonathan S. C. Ip, Ken C. F. Leung, Wen J. Li,*and Ka-Wai Wong 

Development of abio-energygenerationsystembased onmicrofluidicplatform

Proceedings of 2ndIEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 1-4,1379-1382(2008).

Year 2007

36.Liang Shi, Yeming Xu, Suikong Hark, Yang Liu, Sheng Wang, Lian-mao Peng,Ka Wai Wong, and Quan Li*

Optical and electrical performance of SnO2and ZnO nanowire arrays

Nano Letters, 7(12), 3553 (2007). 

35.W. M. Lau,*Z. Zheng, Y. H. Wang, Y. Luo, L. Xi,K. W. Wong, and K. Y. Wong

Cross-linking organic semiconducting molecules by preferential C-H cleavage via “chemistry with a tiny hammer

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 85, 859 (2007). 

34.N. S. Lam,K. W. Wong,*Q. Li, Z. Zheng and W. M. Lau

Controllable size reduction of CdSe nanowires through intermediate formation of Se-coated CdSe nanowires by using acid and thermal treatment

Nanotechnology, 18, 415607 (2007). 

33.Mandy L. Y. Sin, Gary C. T. Chow, M. K. Wong, Wen J. Li,*Philip Leong, andK. W. Wong

Ultra-low-poweralcoholvaporsensors usingchemicallyfunctionalizedmulti-walledcarbonnanotubes

IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 6, 571 (2007). 

32.Hongxiao Zhao, Zhi Zheng,*Ka Wai Wong, Shumin Wang, Baojun Huang, Dapeng Li

Fabrication and electrochemical performance of nickel ferrite nanoparticles as anode material in lithium-ion batteries

Electrochemistry Communications, 9, 2606 (2007). 

31.Zhi Zheng,*Baojun Huang, Huiqiang Ma, Xiaoping Zhang, Mangying Liu, Zhuang Liu,Ka Wai Wong, and Woon Ming Lau

Biomimetic growth of biomorphic CaCO3with hierarchically ordered cellulosic structures

CrystalGrowth and Design, 7, 1912 (2007). 

30.Javed Rafique, Jie Yu,*Jiliang Yu, Gang Fang,K. W. Wong, Z. Zheng, C. H. Ong, and W. M. Lau

Electrospinning highly aligned long polymer nanofibers on large scale by using a tip collector

Applied Physics Letters, 91, 63126 (2007). 

29.Z. Zheng,K. W. Wong, W. C. Lau, R. W. M. Kwok, and W. M. Lau*

Unusual kinematics-driven chemistry: cleaving C-H but not COO-H bonds with hyperthermal protons to synthesize tailor-made molecular films

Chemistry – A European Journal, 13, 3187 (2007). 

28.K. W. Wong, Mandy L. Y. Sin, M. K. Yeung, S. K. Hark, and W. M. Lau*

Molecular interfacial engineering of adhesion between polyfluorene and indium-tin-oxide

Applied Physics A 87, 23–26 (2007). 

27.Hak-Fun Chow,*Jie Zhang, Chui-Man Lo, Siu-Yin Cheung, andKa-Wai Wong

Improving the gelation properties of 3,5-diaminobenzoate-based organogelators in aromatic solvents with additional aromatic-containing pendants

Tetrahedron, 63, 363–373 (2007). 

26.J. M.Gong, C. Y. Choi,K. W. Wong,*R. Du

Functionalizedmulti-walledcarbonnanotubecoating onmainspring withreinforcedmechanicalstrength

Proceedings of 7thIEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Vol. 1-3, 53-57 (2007).

25.Winnie W. Y. Chow, M. K. Wong, Wen J. Li,*K. W. Wong

Rapid fabrication of CNT sensors using electro-chemical deposition of functionalized CNTs

Proceedings of 2ndIEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems,Vols 1-3, 221-224 (2007).

BeforeYear 2007

24.Mandy L. Y. Sin, Gary C. T. Chow, Wen J. Li,*Philip Leong, M. K. Wong,K. W.Wong,T. Lee

Chemically functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes sensors for ultra-low-power alcohol vapour detection

Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, Vol. 2, 461-464 (2006). 

23.Mandy, L. Y. Sin, Gary C. T. Chow, Carmen K. M. Fung, Wen J. Li,*Philips Leong,K. W. Wong, and Terry Lee

Ultra-low-power alcohol vapor sensors based on multi-walled carbon nanotube

Proceedings of 1stIEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Vols 1-3, 1198-1202 (2006).

22.W. J. Song, S. K. So,K. W. Wong, W. K. Choi, L. L. Cao*

Study of lithium fluoride/tris(8-hydroxyquinolino)-aluminum interfacial chemistry using XPS and ToF-SIMS

Applied Surface Science, 228 (1-4), 373 (2004). 

21.H. F. Chow,*C. F. Leung, W. Li,K. W. Wong, L. Xi

Synthesis and characterization of dendritic necklaces: a class of outer-sphere-outer-sphere connected dendronized organoplatnium polymers

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 42 (40), 4919 (2003). 

20.P. L. Tan,K. W. Wong, C. T. Au and S. Y. Sai*

Effects of Co-fed O2and CO2on the deactivation of Mo/HZSM-5 for methane aromatization

Applied Catalysis A: General, 253, 305-316 (2003). 

19.H. He, X. Dai,K. W. Wong, C. T. Au*

RE0.6Zr0.4-xYxO2(RE = Ce, Pr; x = 0, 0.05) solid solutions: an investigation on defective structure, oxygen mobility, oxygen storage capacity, and redox properties

Applied Catalysis A: General, 251, 61 (2003). 

18.K. W. Wong, H. L. Yip, Y. Luo, K. Y. Wong, W. M. Lau,*K. H. Low, H. F. Chow, Z. Q. Gao, W. L. Yeung, and C. C. Chang

Blocking reaction between indium-tin oxide and poly (3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):poly(styrene

sulphonate) with a self assembly monolayer

Applied Physics Letters, 80, 2788 (2002) 

17.Z. G. Ji,K. W. Wong,*Ken P. K. Tse, R. W. M. Kwok and W. M. Lau

Copper phthalocyanine film grown by vacuum deposition under magnetic field

Thin Solid Films, 402, 79 (2002). 

16.Y. Y. Hui,K. W. Wong, W. M. Lau*

Quantitative study of ion bombardment induced phase transformation of cubic boron nitride by reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 20 (5), 1511 (2002). 

15.H. He, H. X. Dai, L. H. Ng,K. W. Wong, and C. T. Au*

Pd-, Pt-, Rh-loaded Ce0.6Zr0.35Y0.05O2solid solution three-way catalysts: An investigation on performance and redox properties

Journal of Catalysis, 206, 1 (2002). 

14.Z. G. Ji,K. W. Wong,*M. Wang, Ken P. K. Tse, R. W. M. Kwok and W. M. Lau

X-ray photoemission study of low energy ion beam induced changes on copper phthalocyanine film

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Materials Research B 174, 311 (2001). 

13.H. Y. Wong, C. W. Ong,*R. W. M. Kwok,K. W. Wong, S. P. Wong and W. Y. Cheung

Effects of ion beam bombardment on electrochromic tungsten oxide films studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Rutherford back-scattering

Thin Solid films, 376, 131 (2000). 

12.Y. M. Yang,K. W. Wong, S. T. Lee,*M. Nishitani-Gamo,I.Sakaguchi, K. P. Loh and T. Ando

Recent studies on diamond surfaces

Diamond and Related Materials, 9, 1582 (2000). 

11.K. W. Wong, X. T. Zhou, Frederick C. K. Au, H. L. Lai, C. S. Lee and S. T. Lee*

Field emission characteristics of SiC nanowires prepared by chemical vapour deposition

Applied Physics Letters, 75, 2918 (1999). 

10.C. K. Federick Au,K. W. Wong, Y. H. Tang, Y. F. Zhang and S. T. Lee*

Electron field emission from silicon nanowires

Applied Physics Letters, 75, 1700 (1999). 

9.M. G. Mason,*L. S. Hung, C. W. Tang, S. T. Lee,K. W. Wongand M. Wang

Characterization of treated indium tin oxide surface used in electroluminescent devices

Journal of Applied Physics, 86, 1688 (1999). 

8.K. W. Wong, Y. Wang, S. T. Lee*and R. W. M. Kwok

Negative electron affinity of diamond surface deposited with lithium fluoride

Diamond and Related Materials, 8, 1885 (1999). 

7.K. W. Wong, L. J. Huang, Y. Hung, S. T. Lee*and R. W. M. Kwok

Depletion of surface boron of heavily boron-doped diamond films by annealing

Diamond and Related Materials, 8, 1006 (1999). 

6.Y. M. Yang,K. W. Wong, S. T. Lee,*M. Nishitani-Gamo,I.Sakaguchi, K. P. Loh and T. Ando

Surface structure of C(100)-(2x1)-H studied by a quantitative LEED analysis

Physical Review B 59, 10347 (1999). 

5.K. W. Wong, S. T. Lee,*Z. D. Lin, Y. W. Lam, and R. W. M. Kwok

Electron affinity and effect of annealing on heavily boron-doped diamond films

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, 791 (1999). 

4.K. W. Wong, Y. Wang, S. T. Lee*and R. W. M. Kwok

Lowering of work function induced by deposition of ultra-thin rubidium fluoride

Applied Surface Science, 140, 144 (1999). 

3.H. K. Woo, C. S. Lee,I.Bello, S. T. Lee,*K. W. Wongand N. B. Wong

Oriented diamond growth on silicon (111) using solid carbon source

Journal of Applied Physics, 83, 4187 (1998). 

2.H. K. Woo, Y. F. Zhang, S. T. Lee,*C. S. Lee, Y. W. Lam andK. W. Wong

Preparation of crystalline carbon nitride films on silicon substrate by chemical vapour deposition

Diamond and Related Materials, 6, 635 (1997). 

1.K. W. Wong, S. T. Lee,*R. W. M. Kwok, Y. W. Lam and H. Kawarada

Electron affinity and surface re-ordering of homoepitaxial diamond (100)

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 35, 5444 (1996). 


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